50 Victoria Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1XE

Telephone: 01903 230656

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Durrington Health Centre, Durrington Lane, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 2RX | Telephone: 01903 230656

Useful Forms, Leaflets & Websites

Health for Kids Poster


Prediabetes Leaflet gives information on prediabetes

Staying Well – Southdown 24/7 Walk in service

Prostate PSA Advice gives information on prostate testing and cancer

Earwax Care Leaflet  gives information on clearing earwax

Asthma Annual Review Questionnaire  use this form if you do not wish to attend Surgery for your annual asthma review

Time to Talk Leaflet 2017   Time to Talk offer a range of talking therapies

Self-referral form Physiotherapy 2024

PHQ-GAD7 (Web) Depression and anxiety screening

Third Party Consent Form giving permission to discuss a third party’s medical information

Change of Name or Address  Form to inform us of change of details

Contraceptive Pill Request Form to request contraceptive pill

Urine Sample Test Form Form to give information on urine sample (please fill out one of the forms only)

Carer’s Registration Form Oct 09[1]

Shoulder Exercises

Victoria Road On Line Access Information Sheet

Victoria Road On Line Access Application Form

Type 1 Opt Out Form Stops your personally identifiable patient data being shared outside of your GP Practice unless it is for your care

Home Blood Pressure Recording Sheet Form for recording your home bp readings


Carers Support West Sussex are running a series of early-bereavement workshops to support carers who have been bereaved within the last six months. There is no age-constraint with these workshops.  See