50 Victoria Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1XE

Telephone: 01903 230656

Sorry, we're closed

Durrington Health Centre, Durrington Lane, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 2RX | Telephone: 01903 230656

Tests & Results

Please help us by ensuring any specimens you are requested to provide are given in the correct container, are labelled and accompanied by a request form and placed in the appropriate sealed plastic envelope. Failure to do so will mean the laboratory cannot process your specimen.

Since our telephones are very busy in the early morning, we ask you to telephone for test results (eg blood, urine, x-ray) between 11am and 4pm each day when we will have more time to discuss your results with you.

You will be advised of the usual length of time before we can expect results.

Please understand that we are bound to maintain patient confidentiality and therefore results will only be disclosed to the patient (not their spouse/partner) or to the parents of minors, i.e. under the age of 16 unless alternative arrangements have been agreed in writing.

Call us between 11am and 4pm on 01903 230656 to obtain your test results.

Or alternatively fill out and return the form below which will give you online access to your own record, therefore allowing you to check your test results and the Clinicians comments rather than having to phone in…/VICTORIA-ROAD-ON-LINE-ACCESS-APPLICATION-FORMS-2020.docx