50 Victoria Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1XE

Telephone: 01903 230656

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Durrington Health Centre, Durrington Lane, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 2RX | Telephone: 01903 230656

Home Visits

If possible patients should come to the Surgery to see their GP or Health Professional. This is because for every home visit a GP or nurse makes they could see several patients in the Surgery, so if you are mobile please come into the Surgery to be seen.

In cases of severe illness, infirmity, or emergencies the GP or nurse will visit the patient at home. If you have transport problems consider contacting the WRVS Good Neighbours Scheme 01903 851558.

If you are too ill to attend surgery please call the surgery before 10.00am if possible, as rounds have to be planned. Please give our staff some idea of your symptoms so we can judge the urgency of the call. Each doctor visits their own patients, but on occasion it may be necessary for one of the other doctors to visit you. The doctor may phone before visiting to assess the urgency of the visit.

To arrange a home visit please call the Practice on 01903 230656