50 Victoria Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1XE

Telephone: 01903 230656

Sorry, we're closed

Durrington Health Centre, Durrington Lane, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 2RX | Telephone: 01903 230656

Out of Hours

Please note that Victoria Road Surgery is closed from:

  •  6.30pm until 8.00am Monday to Friday
  •  from 6.30pm on Friday to 8.00am on Monday
  • Bank Holidays

If you require a GP visit outside of our normal hours of service please ring the out of hours service provided by the NHS 111 Service – ring 111. Calls are free from landlines and mobiles.

You will speak to a specially trained call handler who will ask you various questions such as your name, address, registered GP, a contact telephone number and the reason for your call. It is useful to have a pen and paper handy to make notes regarding the information you will be given.

The 111 service will assess your symptoms and if required refer you to the local on call duty doctor. The duty doctor will be on call for several surgeries and you will usually be asked to attend an emergency clinic so that the doctor can examine you.