50 Victoria Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1XE

Telephone: 01903 230656

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Durrington Health Centre, Durrington Lane, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 2RX | Telephone: 01903 230656


It is very important to register that you are a carer we need to record this on your medical records. We can only do this when we are informed and quite often people don’t recognise themselves as being a Carer. Young or old we are here for you.  


Do you look after a friend or relative that without your support would not manage their daily living, this could be someone with a disability or ill mental health, drug and alcohol problems, dementia, or frailty.

Please complete our online registration or print version, forms are also available to collect and complete within surgery.  By completing this form our offer to unpaid carers can make a defined difference as follows: flu immunisation, annual health checks and arranging appointments which fit in with your caring responsibilities. Having the consent of the person you care for will enable you to participate in their care planning and treatment and also help us support you both.

(This is if you are both registered with Victoria Road)

Please return the form for the attention of Julie our Carers lead.

Carers registration formVictoria Road Carers registration form 16.11.23 (1)